
Blue Flaring

The Brûlage Bleu is a complete combustion solution developed by GRTgaz in partnership with the MGES company. It allows technicians to depressurize the pipeline they're working on in the best environmental conditions, without any CH4 release into the atmosphere.

Because we worked in close collaboration with the users, we improve ergonomics and efficiency in a stressless environment.

Benefits of the Blue Flaring


Minutes to install 


Operators needed

Release of methane 

Flaring: 2000 (n)m3/h for one burner and 8000 (n)m3/h for 4 burners

Range of use (normal): less than or equal to 100 bars

Transportability: Easy to move, handle and to change 

Characteristics: Almost invisible and 5 to 11 dB lower than classical flaring inspite of a 3 times higher flow rate, less stressful